WhatsApp as a technological tool in the learning of higher education [WhatsApp como herramienta tecnológica en el aprendizaje de la educación superior]
WhatsApp, efficiency, learning, source storage and communicationAbstract
Technological progress has transcended communication, immediacy, sending audiovisual and written materials, interaction and interactivity anywhere in the world. Reason, that the efficiency of WhatsApp for learning in higher education was investigated. The objective was to determine if there is a correlation between the usefulness of the application and the improvement of learning. The methodology is based on descriptive, the representative sample was 20 students; For this reason, the questionnaires were elaborated. How often do you review the messages of this application during the day? Is the reception and storage of educational materials of the application efficient? Is it effective in sending and receiving the link of the virtual platforms through WhatsApp? Does your rating improve due to the availability of educational materials for use per month? Do you consider the tool useful for evaluations in each module? and Does it improve learning by using WhatsApp as an interactive and indispensable tool per month? Once the data was obtained, it was processed using basic statistics and correlation. The results determined that the moment the application is reviewed was 35%, reviews 4 to 7 times a day, efficiency in sending and receiving materials 80%, efficiency in sending and receiving links with 75%, improves qualifications when using WhatsApp with 45% improved a rating of 15, considers it useful for evaluations with 90% considers it useful, improves learning its use with 85% and correlation between considers WhatsApp useful and improvement of learning with r = 0.973. It concludes that there is a high correlation between considering WhatsApp useful and learning improvement, which means that the use of this tool influences the improvement of learning, however it is necessary to take into account that it is used for academic purposes.
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