The academic motivation and learning of education students- UNASAM, 2022 [La motivación académica y aprendizaje de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Educación- Unasam, 2022]


  • Félix Julián Valerio Haro Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Perú
  • Timoteo Raúl Huerta Berrios Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Perú
  • Roberth Lozano Tacuri Toribio Universidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión, Perú
  • Miriam Esther Campos Llana Universidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión, Perú
  • Ronald Juven Reyes Narváez Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur, Perú
  • Manuel Vega Ronquillo Universidad Nacional de Cañete, Perú
  • Marlon Alfonso Lara Castillo Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú
  • Ignacio Paucar Meléndez Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios, Perú
  • Víctor Henrry Morales Pacora Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, Perú
  • Walter Flores Casanova Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Perú



Academic motivation, learning, superficial, performance


The objective of the study was to determine if there is a significant correlation between academic motivation and student learning. For this reason, research on academic motivation was carried out to improve the teaching and learning of university students. The study carried out is applied, being the level of descriptive-correlational research. The research was cross-sectional; since the CEAP48 Scale survey was applied only once; but only the EMAP-01 Learning Motivation Subscale was used, which consists of 24 statements and notes. The sample is a simple random of 46 students enrolled in the 2022-1 semester. It was shown that the application of academic motivation and learning occupies 71.7% (33) at the highest level in the performance motivation dimension. Therefore, motivation improves in learning; however, it is necessary for teachers to apply this didactic resource in their classes, since it is demonstrated in the results. It was determined that more than 50% of the respondents are above 3.96 in the mean, that is, they have a favorable attitude. On average, the subjects are located in superficial motivation. Likewise, 0.631 scale units deviate from the average. Therefore, the use of this resource benefits the student. Finally, it is concluded that there is an adequate significant relationship between the variables, due to a moderate correlation, that is, it is favorable.


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188 GESj




How to Cite

Valerio Haro, F. J., Huerta Berrios, T. R., Tacuri Toribio, R. L., Campos Llana, M. E. ., Reyes Narváez, R. J., Vega Ronquillo, M., Lara Castillo, M. A. ., Paucar Meléndez, I., Morales Pacora, V. H., & Flores Casanova, W. (2023). The academic motivation and learning of education students- UNASAM, 2022 [La motivación académica y aprendizaje de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Educación- Unasam, 2022]. Journal of Global Education Sciences, 5(1), 22–32.

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