The self-esteem and academic performance of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering’s students at the Technological National University of Lima Sur, 2022 [La autoestima y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica de la Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur, 2022]
Self-esteem, academic performance, emotional, social, family.Abstract
The study aimed to determine if there is a significant relationship between self-esteem and academic performance. For this reason, research on self-esteem was carried out to improve academic performance in higher education. The type of research is applied, being the level of descriptive and correlational research. The research was cross-sectional, since the survey was carried out only once using the technique of the questionnaire and notes. The sample is simple random 56 students. It was shown that emotional and personal self-esteem occupies 64.3% (36) at the highest level; 21.4% (12) represent family self-esteem; 14.3% (8) is the minimum of the study. Therefore, self-esteem improves in the academic performance of students; however, it is necessary that teachers consider emotional and personal self-esteem in their classes. It was determined that more than 50% of the respondents are above 2.00, that is, they have a favorable attitude. On average, the subjects are located at 1.93 (favorable). Likewise, 0.599 scale units deviate from the average. Therefore, self-esteem benefits the student. Finally, it is concluded that there is an adequate significant relationship between self-esteem and the academic performance of university students, since 9.4877 > 4.445a; then, the null hypothesis is accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected, that is, it is favorable.
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