Organizational climate and its relationship with job satisfaction in human talent of the National Board of Justice [Clima organizacional y su relación con la satisfacción laboral en el talento humano de la Junta Nacional de Justicia]
Organizational climate, job satisfaction, human talent, communication, working conditions.Abstract
This work seeks to find the relationship between organizational climate and satisfaction of the talents of the National Board of Justice (JNJ). A quantitative, basic, descriptive-correlational, non-experimental, cross-sectional, quantitative research was applied. The data collection technique used was a survey and the instrument used was a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 77 collaborators of the National Board of Justice. The findings showed that 74% of the workers feel satisfied with the work environment and 96.1% are highly satisfied at work. It was also determined that the independent variable organizational climate and its dimensions working conditions, supervision, communication, personal fulfillment and work involvement were not significantly related to the dependent variable job satisfaction, since they obtained high values greater than the statistical range of significance 0.05. The research concluded that the organizational climate and the dimensions, personal fulfillment, work involvement, supervision, communication and working conditions do not have a significant relationship with job satisfaction, which is why it is necessary to apply strategies and measures that optimize each of these factors in the organization.
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