Improvement of transportation system through the Lean methodology application with the purpose of mitigating environmental impacts at the U.M. SUMMA GOLD CORPORATION [Mejora del sistema de transporte a través de la aplicación de la metodología Lean con el propósito de mitigar los impactos ambientales en la U.M. SUMMA GOLD CORPORATION]
Environmental impacts, DMAIC, Lean ManufacturingAbstract
The purpose of this evaluation is to determine to what extent the improvement of the transportation process based on the Lean methodology reduces environmental impacts at the SUMMA GOLD Unit. The main focus of the analysis of this research is to know, define, measure and minimize the causes of errors generated in the material transportation process in a mining unit, which in turn identifies and reduces negative environmental impacts. This evaluation is carried out using the approach of the DMAIC tool (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control), which offers a solid structure for problem solving and goes hand in hand with the Lean Manufacturing methodology. The application of the Lean methodology and the proposal to improve a technological tool managed to increase the transportation performance of each area, from 19.95% to 31.32%, obtaining as a variation 11% improvement; This increases the amount of ore produced by 3094 on average per trip. It also allows increasing the fuel use cost reduction rate from 25% to 54.91%, obtaining an improvement of 30% which translates into a reduction of 1.9 gallons per hour with a decrease in costs of S/5,616.1.
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