Influence of the academic reinforcement workshop to improve the learning of integral calculation in second cycle’s students of systems engineering and computing of the faculty of sciences semester 2022-II unasam-Huaraz, 2023 [Influencia del taller de reforzamiento académico para mejorar el aprendizaje del cálculo integral en estudiantes de segundo ciclo de ingeniería de sistemas e informática de la facultad de ciencias semestre 2022-II-unasam-Huaraz, 2023]


  • Jonhson Valderrama Arteaga Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Perú
  • César Gonzales Chiclayo Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Perú
  • María Medina Gutierrez Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Perú
  • Mariano Bedón Salinas Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Perú
  • Lorenzo Atoche Cáceres Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Perú
  • Heber Chanducas Tantalean Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Perú
  • Julie Espinoza Castromonte Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Perú



Workshop, reinforcement, academic, learning, integral calculus, teamwork, motivation.


The objective of the research is determining the influence of the Academic Reinforcement Workshop on improving the learning of integral calculus in students of the second cycle of Systems Engineering and Computer Science of the Faculty of Sciences, semester 2022-II- UNASAM -Huaraz, 2023. The research is applied type, quantitative method and pre-experimental design; Two instruments were applied: Pre test and post test validated by two experts, applied to a sample of 26 students. The variables analyzed Workshop on academic reinforcement and learning of integral calculus, in whose research an affirmative hypothesis and a null hypothesis were formulated. After analyzing the results, it is stated that there is a significant influence of the academic reinforcement workshop on the learning of integral calculus, so that the affirmative hypothesis is accepted. The verification of the hypothesis was done by applying Student's T. It is concluded that there is a significant influence of the academic reinforcement workshop on the learning of integral calculus in students of the professional career of Systems Engineering and Computer Science, semester 2022-II, UNASAM -Huaraz, 2023.


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How to Cite

Valderrama Arteaga, J., Gonzales Chiclayo, C., Medina Gutierrez, M., Bedón Salinas, M., Atoche Cáceres, L., Chanducas Tantalean, H., & Espinoza Castromonte, J. (2024). Influence of the academic reinforcement workshop to improve the learning of integral calculation in second cycle’s students of systems engineering and computing of the faculty of sciences semester 2022-II unasam-Huaraz, 2023 [Influencia del taller de reforzamiento académico para mejorar el aprendizaje del cálculo integral en estudiantes de segundo ciclo de ingeniería de sistemas e informática de la facultad de ciencias semestre 2022-II-unasam-Huaraz, 2023]. Journal of Global Education Sciences, 6(1), 1–11.

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