Vegetation health and its relationship with Organic Pollution of the Santa Rosa Wetland, Chancay – Lima, 2023 [Salud de la vegetación y su relación con la Contaminación Orgánica del Humedal Santa Rosa, Chancay – Lima, 2023]
Educational wetland, Satellite images, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index.Abstract
The present research aimed to: Determine the Health of Vegetation and its relationship with Organic Pollution of the Santa Rosa Wetland, located in the district of Chancay, in the year 2023. The study is of a mixed type, with a descriptive level by analyzing satellite images to determine the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), with an experimental design, by taking water samples and analyzing them in the laboratory to identify the levels of organic material pollution. Results: From the satellite image analysis, it was determined that the NDVI decreased in 2023, (value of 0.132) between the months of June to October, and in the water quality analysis, the parameters of chemical oxygen demand were measured, with results ranging from 48.50 to 100.50 mg/L, total suspended solids from 30 to 31 mg/L, and biochemical oxygen demand between 19.34 to 33.50 mg/L, indicating that there is pollution (DS. N° 004-2017-MINAM). At the same time, the results were reaffirmed by measuring the extent of the vegetation with a supervised classification analysis of the satellite images, obtaining that the vegetation of the wetland (duckweed and water lentil) increased from 66.08% to 86.64% between the months of June to October. According to the obtained data, it is concluded that there is a relationship between both variables; if pollution decreases the vigor of the indicator plants also decreases as they act biologically as phytoremediators.
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